
Beyadaim Tovot (In Good Hands) is a partnership of philanthropic foundations and private funders intended to advance changes in government policy i the field of early childhood education. The initiative is focused on two main goals creating a national program of professional development for edu-care givers; promoting an adequate government budget for early childhood education.
The Fund for Innovative Education (FIT) is the most experienced body in Israel in promoting educational entrepreneurship among teachers and teacher’s assistances in the formal education system, which operates nationwide, from kindergarten to high-school, and in special education as well. At the heart of its work lies the notion that the educators on the ground are the most significant agents for change, and that educational entrepreneurship is the best and most effective means of promoting solutions to the burning issues in the Israeli education system.
MindCET’s Unboxing School Movement came into being in order to trigger and support transformation in schools instigated by the 2020-21 educational crisis. The Movement understands the huge weight carried by educators and learners, and suggests to think “out of the box,” and to offer solutions that are associated with positive feelings and excitement such as opening a gift. The 2020 global crisis made MindCET reconsider its missions, and realize that this upheaval triggered an unprecedented need and an opportunity for a profound transformation in schools. The Unboxing Movement is intended to impact the broader community – students, parents, teachers, entrepreneurs, politicians, decision-makers and dreamers. The goal of this public movement is, first and foremost, to get the word out, to articulate the call for change, and give voice to those who are concerned about the inertia.
“Mifras” was established in 2012 with the purpose of creating a professional and qualitative platform for the development of educational entrepreneurship and innovation, by opening up new possibilities for entrepreneurship and teacher and principal activity. This will also bring about the development and strengthening of the quality of teaching and studying at schools. From a long-term systemic perspective, Mifras believes that school principals, as the leaders of their professional communities, will be the key facilitators of initiatives and change in the educational system. Mifras is interested in enabling school principals and their teams to improve the quality and professionalism of the educational system. To do this they created “Educational Entrepreneurship Incubators” with the purpose of promoting entrepreneur networks and, like every industrial sector, promoting entrepreneurship. These entrepreneur communities constitute a basis for constant learning, updates and opportunity. Through these incubators, school principals can acquire knowledge and receive support for their ventures. These ventures will bring about a cyclical process based on knowledge gathering and its organization, and the building of a concept, its formulation, and its implementation.